Singapore Lianhe Zaobao / 新加坡联合早报

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description Lianhe Wanbao (Chinese: 联合晚报; pinyin: Liánhé Wǎn bào; literally United Evening Paper) is a Singapore Chinese afternoon newspaper published daily by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). It was started on March 16, 1983 after the merger between as Nanyang Siang Pau and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Although it is named Lianhe Wanbao and is also owned by SPH, the paper bears little resemblance with its more serious broadsheet counterpart Lianhe Zaobao and is not to be mistaken as the aforementioned evening edition. Lianhe Wanbao focuses mainly on local and entertainment news with minimal international coverage. As such it is in competition with another SPH paper Shin Min Daily News. Amongst Singapore readers Lianhe Wanbao is often regarded more of a tabloid published in broadsheet form, and the veracity of some reports (mostly reproduced from tabloids or gossip magazines from Hong Kong or Taiwan) is sometimes questioned. Since 1 January 2005, Lianhe Wanbao has undergone a restructuring and reformatting. The paper now adopts more serious reporting than Shin Min Daily and tries to attract younger readers through the use of colorful, uncluttered formatting.
简介 联合早报》[1] 由新加坡报业控股公司出版,属新加坡主要华文综合性日报,前身是1923年创刊的《南洋商报》和1929年创刊的《星洲日报》;1983年两报合并,合并后共同出版《南洋·星洲联合早报》,简称《联合早报》。《联合早报》的平日发行量约为20万份,除新加坡发行之外,也在中国大陆、香港和文莱等地少量发行,在中国大陆是唯一获准在中国大城市发行的海外华文报纸。 新加坡《联合早报》与新加坡工商联合总会将联手推出“一带一路”专网,旨在推动新加坡企业深入了解“一带一路”、并为全球关注“一带一路”的中文读者提供新加坡和东南亚视角。该专网将作为联合早报网的特别栏目于3月8日正式上线发布。 专网的内容将包括围绕“一带一路”战略的宏观与微观介绍、最新进展、沿线区域信息、相关商机、分析评论、活动看板以及相关采访等。《联合早报》还将通过微博、微信、脸书等社交媒体平台, 全方位向受众推介专网