Singapore POSB / 新加坡储蓄银行

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description POSB Bank (or simply known as POSB) is a Singaporean bank offering consumer banking services and is the oldest bank in continuous operation in Singapore. Established on January 1, 1877 as the Post Office Savings Bank,[1] the bank now operates as part of DBS Bank, which acquired the institution and its subsidiaries on November 16, 1998.[2] Prior to its acquisition, the bank was a major public bank offering low-cost banking services to Singaporeans. DBS Bank attempts to continue this tradition by promising to keep costs low for basic savings accounts, and to exempt children, full-time students below the age of 21 years and full-time National Servicemen from bank charges.
简介 新加坡邮政储蓄银行(英语:POSB Bank,通常简称POSB,是新加坡历史最悠久并至今仍在营业的银行之一。POSB成立于英国殖民时期的1877年1月1日,其英文全称为Post Office Savings Bank[1]。POSB于1998年11月16日被星展银行收购后作为其的子公司独立运营至今。[2] 在被收购以前,POSB一直为新加坡民众提供廉价的银行服务。在收购之后,星展银行延续了POSB廉价的基本储蓄账户传统,并免除儿童、21下学生以及士兵的银行服务费用。